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EnrichGT 0.2.9

Package major update

  • infering_regulator_act() to infer pathway or transcript factors activity from EnrichGT meta-gene modules.

  • This will be the end of new functions of EnrichGT package.

EnrichGT 0.2.8.x

Package major update

  • EnrichGT() now supports changing hclust() methods, like using ward.D, ward.D2, average …

  • EnrichGT_obj now contains a slot clustering_tree containg the cluster tree hclust object, for further analysing and drawing figures.

  • EnrichGT_obj now contains raw table. (


  • Add benchmark markdown file

  • Refine the help pages

EnrichGT 0.2.7

Package major update

  • Add CompareGT() function (beta)

EnrichGT 0.2.5

Package major update

  • Bug fix

  • EnrichGT() supports a list containing multiple source enrichment results (e.g., GO and KEGG enrichment for a same DEG list), and fusing them. User can gain Metascape like multi-DB enrichment result by using the fusing function (See Articles).

EnrichGT 0.2.0

Package major update

  • Bug fix in generating results.

  • Add EnrichGT_obj S4 object. It not only returns gt HTML tables, users can extract enriched tables, meta-gene modules, pathway modules in it.


  • Split main.R to multiple files, for better managing of codes.

  • Add package vignettes.

EnrichGT 0.1.7

Package major update

EnrichGT 0.1.2

Package major update

  • Support GSEA results.

  • Give up ggplot2 figures in gt object for speed up. Though the result is much ugly than before :)

  • Intelligent sensing the cluster numbers.

  • Provide self-check of column names, if setReadable() before, etc.


  • Auto check package dependencies when start-up.

EnrichGT 0.1.0

  • Initial codes for generating gt objects for ORA objects.

  • Initial codes for enrichment, use text2vec package to parse core enriched genes.